Scribbles of Ramesh

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Rose! - A Symbol of Love ?

As some of you are aware the Rose is the most widely cut flower in this world even today! The rose is generally associtated with Love. The goddess of Love, seemed to have created the rose from her tears and the blood of her son Adonis(attacked by a wild boar). Which eventually became the symbol of Venus( goddess of love). In Roman mythology it is stated that Harpocrates, Roman god of silence, was offered a rose by Cupid(son of Venus) to maintain the secrecy of his various love affairs. Harpocrates is depicted with a rose in one hand and his finger on his lips depicting secrecy. This established rose as a symbol of secrecy. The term "sub rosa" meaning "under the rose" which indicates confidentiality.

The old tradition states that whenever people wanted their meetings to be confidential they hung a red rose on the door. In some cases the doors were embellished with a rose indicating that the meetings where held "sub rosa".It is also said that people give their lovers a rose not to mention love but to ask them to keep their affair confidential until the time is right.

Some other meanings of a rose:
Christians have seen the rose as an important symbol of their faith. Early Roman Catholics strung rose buds together using them in prayer, establishing what is now known as the rosary. The red rose has been taken by some Christians as a symbol of Mary, mother of Christ, and by others as a symbol of Christ himself: “I am the rose of Sharon” (The Song of Solomon 2:1).

In other words, roses act as a metaphor for life: after overcoming difficulty you will find inner harmony, union and happiness.

Rose leaves are a symbol of hope.

So, the next time you give a rose, think twice ;-)


p.s: for enthusiasts, this was an offshoot of "Da Vinci Code"