Scribbles of Ramesh

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What happens if your memory fails?

You will be flooded with questions like...

Where am I ?
What am I doing here?
What next?
... it never ceases

World Says: If you loose your memory, you are insane...

If you stare at these questions, you would realize that these are philosophical questions. Philosophically speaking, I don't think anyone has answers for these questions.

These are the questions you ask yourself when you meditate, for self-inquiry. These help us shape our future and forge ahead.

So, what does memory serve us then? During the short duration between birth and death, it helps us relate to things, people, our feelings and our past experiences. So how we feel NOW and what we do NOW are all defined by our memory footprints caused by our thoughts. The thoughts in turn arise from the memory of our experiences. This is a vicious circle of thoughts and memory.

World Says: If you get caught in the vicious circle, you are insane...

This implies that what happens to us, our experiences, gives food for the thought. Our thoughts create new memory footprints as to what to do next and how to handle future experiences.

Thoughts arise due to contemplation on the experiences we had. These thoughts are nothing but desires i.e where we want to be, rather than where we are today.

Desire acts as fuel and pushes your thoughts further ahead to create dreams.

World Says: If your dream is harmful then your are insane...

Concentration on a dream/desire/thought is nothing but meditation. When you meditate on a dream/desire/thought, you create new footprints for the next step , based on your past experiences and thoughts. This means that meditation helps us create guide posts. These new memory footprints helps us decide what to do next.

If you act on your thoughts, dreams becomes a reality and you start experiencing it. The cycle continues.

If you don't , it remains as a unfulfilled desire, a wishful thought, a dream.

The actions we take defines who we are. This definition of who we are is nothing but our attempt to give purpose to our life between birth and death.

In short we try to maintain a balance, between being sane and insane. Being sane or insane is determined by peoples judgment. Which in turn is defined by their own experiences and thoughts.

So you don't have to do anything or be anyone, unless, you want to. Your thoughts, define it...

Control your thoughts and you control your life...

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
-William Shakespeare